A Merchant Cash Advance Can Help Your Business Make Ends Meet
As a small business owner, you know that profits tend to rise and fall depending on the economy or even the time of year. Your financial obligations don’t slow just because sales do, which is why Andij Capital Consulting provides merchant cash advance financing options in amounts of up to $200,000.
How the Advance Works
Businesses that accept credit card payments from Visa, MasterCard and other major providers may be eligible for an advance. Upon application approval, you receive a lump sum of working capital but won’t be required to agree to monthly payments that you may not be able to keep up with. Instead, you repay your loan via a percentage of your credit card transactions. For example, if you agree to use 10 percent of your credit card sales as repayment, you can expect to repay $1,000 per week if you make $10,000 in credit sales in a week.
A merchant cash advance is preferable for many business owners because it does not rely on the applicant having a perfect credit score. There are several other advantages as well:
- Receive the funds more quickly than a traditional loan
- Application does not require much paperwork
- No collateral, application fees, closing cost fees or fixed payments are required
- Use funding for everything from expanding your business to purchasing inventory
Apply Today
Do you think a merchant cash advance may be the right choice for your business? A finance professional at Andij Capital Consulting can help you begin the application process today.